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Each regular meeting is usually held on the first Saturday of the month with few exceptions while working around holidays, and the occasional weeknight meetings.  We encourage all members to bring a guest to every meeting, these guests may be members that need assistance in getting to meetings, friends, colleagues, or family members.  The purpose is to educate the public about our service-driven National Society and for us to learn of ways to help our communities better.

We often include very interesting programs, some of our past programs have included conservation, historic preservation, "Boosting our Chapter Presence on Social Media", Family Heirloom and Artifact Stories, Genealogy/DNA Discovery, Harp Twins Performance, "Herstory", "Preserving Our Stories", "Romance of the Handkerchief", D-Day Anniversary, Poppy Party making activity for the Veteran Center, women's issues, and local history museum tours. We also have wonderful guest speakers.

Our meetings include scripture and prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, The American's Creed, and presentation of the program.


There is a complimentary refreshments break/social time; made possible by our volunteer hostesses who alternate for every meeting.  Enjoy an ever-changing selection of hot and cold beverages, fresh fruits, pastries, cookies some of which are homemade by our members, and on occasion even candies.


The business portion of our meetings consists of the President General’s Message, National Defense Report, approval of prior meeting's minutes, Reports of Officers, Reports of Committees and new any new business to discuss.


If you would like more information about one of our events, please contact our Regent or Program Chair by clicking on them below.

2024-2025 Program Calendar

For venue information please contact us.

Program Key:

 Chapter Meeting

 Social Gathering


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday. September 14th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program: Geneva Girls School

Presenter: Heidi Howlett


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday. October 5th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Program: A Beginning for All of Us

Presenter: Audra Gray, District IV Director


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday, November 2nd from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program: DAR Museum - Early Dining in America

Presenter: Marion Baumgarten, Correspondent Docent


Social - Holiday Luncheon 

Date: Saturday, December 7th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Activities: Holiday BINGO

*Bring Family and Friends ($39 per person)


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday, January 4th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program:  IL DAR State Regent

Presenter: Christina Bannon


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday, February 1st from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program: Good Citizen Awards

Presenter: Robin Schroeder

*The Nominating Committee presents the new Officer Slate for terms starting June 2025. 

*Collecting donations for the  Female Veteran Care Package meeting which is on the evening of Tuesday, March 4th.


Chapter EVENING Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 4th from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Program:  Care Packages for active female service members

Presenter: Interactive membership activity, In-person assembly

*Voting on the new Officer Slate for terms starting in June 2025.


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday, April 5th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program:  Gravestone Cleaning Practices

Presenter: Chris Hillman


Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday, May 3rd from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Program: POW "Father's Story"

Presenter: Joyce Hemphill


Chapter Annual Year-End Luncheon

Date: Saturday, June 7th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Program: Installation of New Officers & New Members

Speaker: DeeAnn Carlson, Regent

*Bring Family and Friends ($39 per person)

2024-2025 Dates to Know Calendar

For venue information please contact us.

Program Key:

**DAR National Event

*District IV Meeting

#Volunteer/Service Opportunity



September 17-23

Significance: Constitution Week

#Decorate local public window


** #October 8

Significance: NSDAR Day of Prayer

** #October 9
Significance: NSDAR Day of Service to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of our DAR organization on October 11, 1890.


Zelle/credit card payments accepted, contact our Treasurer


American Indian Heritage Month


November 3

*District IV Meeting

November 11

National Veteran's Day


February 14

#write cards to veterans and elderly


March 1

*District IV Meeting

Benchmark Date in American History

March 5

Anniversary of the Boston Massacre


March 8

#Trivia Bee for Literacy & Silent Auction 9a-12p

(open to the public)



April 24, Thursday – April 27, Sunday

129th Illinois State Conference

#page opportunities for members


Benchmark Date in American History
May 28, 2012, through November 11, 2025 (13-years) Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War


June 7

*District IV Meeting - Mini Tour

June25-29, 2025

DAR's 133rd Continental Congress

#page opportunities for members


Benchmark Date in American History

July 4, 1776

Independence Day

#walk in an Independence Day Parade and hand out Flags

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.

Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

Lantern Chapter

Site Last Updated On:

March 7, 2024

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NSDAR Recognized Website 2020
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